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Offer a payment experience fully aligned with your brand, without the costs and complexities of in-house development. Our platform is highly customizable, from integrating payment methods to the user interface, ensuring a consistent and engaging brand experience at every touchpoint.

Discover how we can help you deliver an unparalleled payment experience and win customer loyalty in an ever-evolving market.

The best
Payment Methods

Payment Solutions


Fast and streamlined payment processing for brick-and-mortar stores.

Convenience for Point of Sale (POS):

Get your own
card reader!

Variety of Payment Methods:

Get versatility; Pay with credit card, debit card, or through your mobile phone.

Quality Technical Support:

Dedicated technical support to resolve issues quickly and transparently.

Compatibility with TEF:

Fast and secure fund transfers, electronic transactions, and financial clearances.

Revolutionize the market with our payment gateway

Simplify payments for your customers with our Payment Link solution. Streamline transactions and boost your business with convenience and security.

Payment Link

Payments in D+1

Simplify cash flow management, receive funds in D+1, and leave the tedious part to us!

Recurring Payments

Simplify billing processes and provide unparalleled convenience to your customers, thereby ensuring a steady stream of revenue for your business.

Payment Splitting

Boost your financial efficiency to the max with our innovative Payment Splitting system. Seamlessly distribute earnings among partners and receive your portion swiftly and hassle-free.

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