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Data Subject Service Policy

Last Updated: February 19, 2024.

This Policy aims at receiving and processing requests from data subjects regarding their Personal Data, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), which regulates the processing of personal data and establishes rights that can be exercised by data subjects before the controller at any time and upon request.




“Consent”: Free, informed, and unequivocal expression by which the data subject agrees to the processing of their personal data for a specific purpose;


“Controller”: Natural person (individual) or legal entity, public or private, responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data;


“Personal Data”: Any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, ID, CPF (Brazilian individual taxpayer registry), address, and email address.


“General Data Protection Law (LGPD)”: Establishes provisions on the processing of personal data, including in digital media, by natural persons or legal entities, public or private, with the aim of protecting fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person;


“Processor”: Natural person or legal entity, public or private, that processes personal data on behalf of the controller;


“Data Subject”: Natural person to whom the personal data being processed refers;


“Data Processing”: Any operation performed with personal data, from collection to disposal.


ATLAS FINANCE operates with transparency above all else, and with this in mind, we keep your personal data in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.


Through our "data subject service channel," under the LGPD tab on our website, you can contact us to clarify your doubts regarding the criteria used and the purpose of processing your personal data and make the following requests:


Rectification of Personal Data: when identifying that any data is incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated. You may request the rectification, updating, total or partial supplementation of your personal data.


Deletion of Personal Data: when wishing to interrupt the processing of your personal data so that they are no longer used. Upon your request, we will delete this information from our internal records, except for data necessary to comply with legal or regulatory obligations and for the exclusive use of the controller.


Objection to the processing of your Personal Data: when identifying something incorrect, you may question how your personal data is processed based on one of the grounds for consent exemption, in case of non-compliance with the provisions of the LGPD. Therefore, you must state the reason justifying the interruption of the processing, which will be analyzed and, if justified, addressed by the responsible department.


Portability of Personal Data: Transfer of data to other service or product providers offered by ATLAS. When exercising this right, you may be informed by the Data Controller (responsible for managing the processing of personal data) of the justification for any impossibility of sending certain information that may comply with current legislation, observing commercial and industrial secrets.


Sharing Data with Third Parties: During your relationship with us and based on our transparency, your personal data will be shared with private or public organizations to fulfill the services offered. In this case, you may have access to a list of these organizations, upon written request.


Revocation of Consent: In situations where obtaining consent from the data subject is necessary for processing operations, it may be revoked at any time through the express manifestation of the data subject, in a simple, free, and easily available manner.


Knowing your rights, to exercise them, you can contact us through the "Data Subject Service" channel in the LGPD area of our WEBSITE, correctly filling out the requested data to ensure that your request is processed and addressed as soon as possible.


ATLAS FINANCE strictly adheres to personal data protection regulations and undertakes to clarify all doubts and requests from data subjects regarding the processing of their personal data.


Update: 02/19/2024


Data Protection Officer (DPO)

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